Durham-Orange Community Tennis Association
JTT Players and Parents
Parent support and involvement is a key component to a successful USTA Junior Team Tennis Program at all levels of play. Parents are needed to assist as “Team Managers”, and in some cases parents may serve as “Coaches”. The role of the parent volunteer will be more clearly defined by each participating site. Parents may organize a snack schedule for weekly matches, as well as an end-of-season team party.
Parents are encouraged to be good role models and to talk with their youth about good sportsmanship and respecting opponents, other players and their coaches/captains on and off the court.
Important reminders for parents are as follows:
Please review COVID-19 protocol on website at www.docta.org before the JTT league begins and follow protocol and procedures. See link here: DOCTA - Covid 19 Protocol (webs.com).
Parents assisting with coaching duties must have on file a USTA approved background check form with DOCTA and JTT Community Tennis Coordinator (LeeAnn Rose). Coaching duties include, but are not limited to the following:
Running team practices
Coaching during match play
Assigning kids to courts during match play or doing lineups for matches
Any duty that puts coaches in direct contact with the youth participants.
Parents on or off court may not give instructions to players during matches (except parent coaches).
Parents should applaud good shots made by both players; and encourage good sportsmanship.
Please click the PDF icon below for more information.